How to Start Walking for Weight Loss?


You don’t need a fancy gym membership to lose weight. On the contrary, one of the most powerful ways to slim down is free: walk!

Walking for weight loss may even be more effective than running, according to a 2015 study.

British researchers found that people who regularly took brisk walks weighed less than those devoted to other types of physical activity, including running, swimming, and cycling.

Walking Is Good For You

Walking has some serious mind-soothing and body-boosting powers. And there’s no need to get bogged down with hitting 10,000 steps a day because additional research has found that the number of steps you take is less important than just simply getting in some movement every day. Here are just some of the many health benefits of walking every day:

  • It guards your brain. Two hours of walking per week cuts your risk of stroke by 30%. Hitting the road also protects brain regions associated with planning and memory, and doing it for 20 minutes a day has even been found to reduce symptoms of depression.
  • It strengthens your bones. Research also shows that some form of physical activity every day, such as walking or bicycling, can lower the rate of hip fractures and fractures overall. In other words, the more you move now, the more mobile you’ll be later in life.
  • It improves your heart health. A study of more than 89,000 women found that those who walked briskly for 40 minutes two or three times per week had up to a 38% lower chance of heart failure after menopause than those who did it less often or more slowly. Researchers have also found that walking for just 20 minutes per day lowers your risk of heart disease by 30 percent, and it can also cut your risk of obesity (a major risk factor for heart disease) in half.

Check-in with your doctor

If you haven’t been exercising, running it by your primary care doctor is a good idea, to make sure they don’t have any concerns or think you need any testing ahead of time.

Other red flags include chest pain, pain that shoots down your arm or up your neck, or severe headaches. If you develop any of these issues, stop your workout and check in with a professional.

Invest in a good pair of walking shoes

Pick up a pair of the best walking shoes for women to ensure you’re getting the best support for your walk. If you need some extra guidance, look for a shoe store that does gait analyses to help you select the right pair for your specific foot type.

Go a half-size up from your regular work shoes, since feet tend to swell when you exercise.

Buy moisture-wicking clothing

Walking doesn’t require a closetful of expensive athletic wear, but investing in a few key pieces can make you much more comfortable.

Look for tops and bottoms in moisture-wicking fabrics, like these best workout tops and choose styles with a bit of stretch, like these best workout leggings, so they don’t pinch if you take a bigger step or stride uphill. In cold weather, layer up with long-sleeve workout shirts.

Walking Workouts To Try

Now that you’ve checked with your doc and gotten the gear to get started, it’s time to get going! It may be helpful to use a walking app to track your movement, but getting started with a walking workout to burn fat and boost energy may be helpful, too.

We’ve included two great beginner walking workouts that are great for weight loss and focus on the upper body and lower body for a full-body exercise.

A walking workout for your upper body

The calorie-burning power of walking combined with the metabolism-boosting effect of strength-training moves makes this two-in-one workout efficient and effective.

Do it in your neighborhood if there are sidewalks, or around a track. For optimal results, try it two to four times a week on nonconsecutive days.

The Warm-Up

  • Start walking at a slow pace, holding the weights, and progress in speed for 3 minutes. Then find a safe place for a break and set your weights down.
  • For one minute, alternate lifting one knee up toward your hips as both arms reach overhead, drawing abs deeper into the spine, and lowering your arms with each step-down.
  • Next, take a wide step to the right and bring your left foot to meet your right; immediately repeat on the opposite side. Move back and forth at a brisk pace and let your arms move naturally, alternating for one minute.

The Circuit

Chest Squeeze

Stand tall with your feet at hip-width, elbows bent at 90 degrees, and arms open to the sides of shoulders, holding weights with palms facing forward (your upper body should resemble a goal post).

Draw abs in tighter to the spine as elbows come together in front of shoulders, maintaining the 90-degree angle. Return to start and repeat. Do 15 reps total.

Minute Walking Interval

Walk forward, lifting knees high in front of hips at a quick tempo, holding dumbbells at hips.

Single-Arm reverse fly

Standing with feet at hip-width and maintaining a straight spine, hinge torso forward from hips 45 degrees, reaching dumbbells toward the ground.

Keeping elbows slightly bent, raise the left arm out to the side to about chest or shoulder height, squeezing the left shoulder blade in toward your spine. Hold there for one count, then slowly lower down to start.

Bicep curl to front chest scoop

Stand with your feet at hip-width, arms extended down, and holding weights by your sides. Curl forearms up toward your body until they form 90-degree angles, keeping elbows bent and close to the rib cage, with palms facing up.

Next, extend arms out in front of the chest in a forward scooping motion, with elbows remaining slightly bent and palms facing up. Then bend your elbows back in by your sides and lower your arms to return to start. Repeat for a total of 15 reps.

Minute Walking Interval

Power up your pace and walk as quickly as you can.

Rear row and triceps kickback

Stand with feet at hip-width, knees slightly bent, and hinge forward about 45 degrees from hips, maintaining a straight spine. Extend arms toward the ground with palms facing in. Bend elbows and pull weights up to the sides of the rib cage, squeezing shoulder blades back and together. Keeping elbows pulled back and in place, extend arms behind your body, squeezing through the backs of your arms. Reverse the move to complete the movement Repeat for a total of 15 reps.

Minute walking interval

Keep up your brisk pace and walk in a zigzag formation as you travel forward. The quick change of direction keeps your brain sharp and helps build agility and coordination.

Perform 15 total reps with the left arm and then repeat with the right. (Doing one arm at a time challenges the core more and makes you focus on form.)

Turn your body sideways and walk to the side, leading with your right foot, as quickly as you safely can for 90 seconds. Then switch and lead with the left foot for 90 seconds.